Another academic year over, and we've just had our final monitoring visit for our NCFE Music Performance course. All students entered for the qualification have passed, giving them the equivalent of an A*-C GCSE. It's going to be a pleasure working with the returning student's on the level 3 course this year.
The full report is available to read here, but I've included some highlights here for good measure.
On course design and assessment
"The learners work showed clear development through the course and appropriate response to learning outcomes. The engaging and well conceived tasks set to meet the learning outcomes had allowed the learners to present useful evidence. Learner evidence included research, videos of rehearsal techniques, planning schedules and a final performance."
"...provided ongoing positive and constructive feedback within the learner blogs and the feedback had been reproduced summatively in hard copy using NCFE documentation. All feedback was named, signed and dated."
On Internal Quality Assurance
"It is clear that Florence engages with the role of IQA extremely well, and that the course team work closely together with an active interest in quality assurance of the course."
"IQA commentary was extremely detailed, clearly presented and developmental."
On the Centre
"I would like to congratulate the learners upon their achievements in the qualification. I look forward to visiting again in the next academic year. "