Art & Design Engagement
Art engagement offers students the opportunity to explore their own creativity in the art room using a range of materials in an informal and relaxed environment. They can work in 2D or 3D formats, digitally and in mixed media. The sessions are student-centred. Students are facilitated and supported in class by the art teacher and encouraged to explore their own creativity. Some students continue to enjoy art and design for its own sake, whilst others may go on to study and art and design qualification.
Art & Design Course Leader
Nicola Davidson
Art & Design Teaching Assistant
LAMP offer Level 2 and 3 qualifications in art and design and engagement in art and design. For courses in photography please follow this link.
The Art Room
The art room at Lamp has facilities for a diverse range of art and design processes, from drawing to screen printing. We have a wide range of media for students to work with:
Traditional art materials
oil, acrylic and watercolour paint
inks, ink pigments and marbling ink
oil and chalk pastels
pens, pencils and charcoal
3D work in clay, card, wire, plaster and recycled materials
screen print
Digital work
Cinema 4D